Sunday 4 December 2011

Oh yes, Egg and Cress!

Almost forgot to elaborate on the title of the last post. At 5.23 the afternoon I ate and egg and cress sandwich and then just burst in to tears, calmed my self down and had a strawberry yoghurt. That's the first full meal I've eaten in four days... Not sure what the tears were about. I called Bethan and we had a laugh about it, she reckons it was a big phycological hurdle, I thought it tasted alright.

1 comment:

  1. We’re all still here!
    Hi Ciaran,
    Hope you don’t mind your blog being littered with comments and that, conversely, you might welcome some evidence that it is being read!
    We think you can be sure that the growing group in the box top right is still following your every post, willing the recent trough to flatten out and give you a smoother ride.
    Your inspired writings continue to have the great ability to induce smiles and the occasional tear, as well as putting our own little aches and pains into proper perspective.
    Keep those white cells breeding and the words flowing.
    Love from John and Liz
    PS It might be difficult to keep the tea lady away now.
