Saturday, 3 December 2011

Lock down...

Day 3 of isolation here on medical admissions at Trelisk hospital. I've been in this 8'x10' bleeched out, magnolia room for what seems like forever. Its a funny deal, aside from not actually being allowed to leave the room, I'm hooked up to an IV drip which limits movement even further. I've never even set foot inside a prison, but this has to be close, just no table tennis!

I was admitted here with dehydration following the sickness and dihorrea which has had me in its grip since I came off the chemo. While being here these issues have not subsided, this has made using the 'comode chair' I've been issued with, a chanllenge. Im not going to harp on, but using this thing in my current state has the same effect as pointing a jet wash at a breakfast bowl... No fun!

Ive not really eaten anything in the last four days aside from a hospital milkshake thingy that I was issued with this morning, this has left me pretty weak, which I didn't think was that big a deal until I had to ring the nurse to get the lid off.

I was running a pretty high temperature last night, which seems to have been brought back under control with antibiotics. The concern with all this is the way in which the chemo does a good job at suppressing your immune system. This makes you susceptible to minor infection that becomes really difficult to treat.

... So when's it going to end? Well, when my white cell count is back up and suggests I have a good enough immune system, when the dihorrea stops and I start eating normally again. We could be here a while.

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